Monday, March 8, 2010

A "Quote"

Today, during RS lessons, my form teacher, Miss Yeo said, "Do not ask questions which would betray your intellectual ability".

I agree with what she said to a certain extent. If we ask "smart" questions, people would think that we are at least thinking through what we say and not just say all the nonsense or ideas (to put it in a better way) that comes to our brain. If we just speak our mind, if our mind is thinking the "smarter" ideas, then, it is fine. Having said that, it is still very dangerous. We cannot really control what we think. I still feel that we should always think through before even saying or doing anything.

That is all for now, readers.

P.S. I hope that there is no offense taken by anyone because I was just voicing my view on what I feel that was quite meaningful.

Just for more: "Meaningful Quotes"
Meaningful quotes might not just come from people who spend their whole day thinking of something smart to say. Meaningful quotes can come from anyone, anywhere and even anytime, be it when someone is feeling happy, sad or angry, when one is teaching students and it just naturally come out, or even when scolding students. I am not kidding. Many of these meaningful quotes can appear when a teacher is scolding students.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jordan

    In my view, there are no bad or 'stupid' questions. All questions have their unique purposes and interpretations.

    The value of the questions thus lay in the ability of the 'questioner' to decipher and subsequently, decide if they are of any value to his understanding of the issues etc. :)

