Friday, February 11, 2011


Superstitions are formed because people do not understand what are happening around them and they form such superstitions in order to "protect themselves against the unknown". (Quoted from Below are some superstitions that I have found on the web.


Having bad luck...
1) When one get up from the wrong side of the bed

2) For seven years for accidentally breaking a mirror
3) When one walks under open ladders
4) When one opens an umbrella inside

Get good luck when you...
1) Hang horseshoes on the door
2) "Touch wood"
3) Find a penny heads-up
4) Find a four-leaf clover

Unlucky dates:
1) Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is when the 13th of a month falls on a Friday. It is believed to be an extremely unlucky day.

When you wish, you...
1) Wish on a new moon
2) Cross your fingers

Marriage Customs like...
1) Having marriage in June
2) Wearing rings
3) Showering rice
4) Wearing diamonds

Animals with special powers, like...
1) Dogs. When they howl, it is a sign of death
2) Black cats. They are unlucky.

The above superstitions are only just some superstitions out of the many outside there. All have stories behind them. (Please comment if you want to see the stories behind them) In my opinion, superstitions are not true, but many still believe in them as they give them a sense of comfort, comfort that they can avoid bad luck or have good luck when they do or do not do certain acts. I follow certain superstitions, such as Friday the 13th, as it was rather fun when I was still in Primary school. It was a very popular common topic among classmates and friends. I would say my own story of my experience with Friday the 13th.

When I was in Primary 5, I was introduced to Friday the 13th. It sounded fun and so, I joined in the fun of talking about how unlucky things would happen. In the end, something unlucky really happened. On that day, we had computer lessons. Then, while the teacher was teaching, there was lightning and thunder, and the computer suddenly switched off, so did the lights. Then, my classmates and I started talking about how it was Friday the 13th. Now, I still follow it, but I do not really believe that it would cause unlucky events.


  1. In addition to people believing superstitions for comfort, I believe that there are other factors involved.

    Superstitions which we believe at a very young age are inculcated in us by our parents and grandparents since we were very young. It could also have been a religious, society, racial or a cultural belief.

    At first, I believed these beliefs as I was still very immature and gullible at that time. As doing these taboo things would bring me bad luck, I avoided them. Later on, when I understood that these were superstitions and had no scientific backing, I still followed them to give myself a sense of comfort. I also did so as avoiding these taboo things had already become a habit in me, and as the saying goes "a leopard never changes his spots."

    All in all, I have the belief that as long as these superstitions do not do much harm to anyone or anything, it would be alright for us to believe in them.

  2. Haha, I always remember Friday the 13th as an unlucky day too! I still remember last year there was a Friday the 13th and on that day our entire class was talking about it. Then when things started to happen, like the breaking of 3 beakers (Yes I still remember!) during the Science lesson and also the overflowing of water during the same lesson, everyone couldn't help but shout "Oh no! It's Friday the 13th!"

    I don't think these superstitions can be changed easily. But at the same time, I don't think that we should even change them at all! Superstitions are just parts of our life, and if we choose to follow it or not, it's always up to the individual to make the decision. Well that's only my opinion, but Kee Xuan, your blog post made me inspired to blog about it too! So go check out my blog! :D

    Raphael :)

  3. I think many superstitions happen just because people refuse to have an open mind and consider different explanations of an occurrence. (: Hopefully, superstitions would slowly become extinct as science becomes more prevalent in the world.

  4. Superstitions are strange stuff. Seriously. They can work either way, resulting in either good luck, or bad luck. Although for getting up on the wrong side of the bed, my bed is against the wall, so there is only one side for me to wake up from. :)

    Never heard of dogs' howls signifying death. I've heard of the others(relatively common) though. I heard of Friday 13th in P2, when I dug out an old book of mine that was about superstitions. I pretty much got hooked to that book. The following year, on Friday 13th, when I was on the train home it malfunctioned. >_>

    gotta love the old times...
